Since 2020
Providing a Healthier Alternative for Your Pets
Our History
I am an animal lover, gardening enthusiast, and nature admirer. Born in California, I always lamented the fact that I didn’t live around nature, farms, or beautiful greenery. With tons of family already in the PNW for support, my husband and I finally made the move to Oregon in 2016 with our 4 cats and 2 dogs. A true Oregonian at heart, I haven’t looked back and fully embraced the magnificent scenery, local agriculture, DIY vibes, and of course, the rain.
I started raising rabbits in 2020 to provide a healthy, sustainable food source for my family. Rabbits were a top choice due to many factors. They don’t make much noise, aren’t particularly smelly, and have many uses. Because it’s so much fun watching them hop around and live happy lives, the obvious choice was to try raising them colony-style. I’ve had my ups and downs, but have learned a lot from these little critters.
Gardening is another hobby I picked up since moving to Oregon. With several green thumbs in the family, I was gifted a variety of plants to start my garden. Strawberries and raspberries were my favorite, easy for a beginner, and did very well. I’ve slowly added more plants over the years including blueberries, grapes, and lavender. A lot of my research mentioned different plants that were good for rabbits for health or medicinal value. So I decided to incorporate the plants already growing in my garden into their diets and have added many plants since then that they love to eat.
Cooking is another favorite pastime of mine. I enjoy creating delicious meals, even better if I can make a dish using rabbit in place of the protein that would be traditionally used. I can’t say my cooking is phenomenal – yet, but it’s miles ahead of where it was 5 years ago. I try my best to feed my family home-cooked meals as often as possible and enjoy trying out new recipes. If I ever have any spare time, I love hiking or snowshoeing with our dogs. We also try to go paddleboarding, kayaking, or rafting whenever we get the opportunity. Every once in a while, I’ll enjoy a nice ski day up on the mountain. We are blessed to have such abundant recreational opportunities in such close range.



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